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Headline: Books

Puppets need stories
and so do kids.

We write stories
because our puppets need stories and so do kids. A puppet’s character is directly related to the story that he or she is telling. Our puppets are not just objects, they represent an individual character in the story.

When a child reads or listens to a story they use their imagination to bring that character to life not just as an object, but an individual with his or her own personality.

When we create illustrations or a puppet we hope that we have captured the essence of that character to aid the child in their enjoyment of the story.

2019 was a busy year for writing books. We were able to self-publish two books, The Polka Dot Tea Party and Grandma Bibi. With great pride we are excited to share them with you.

Saguaro Cactus with Owl and Books.